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MARSHA       mhgellar@aol.com 8-15-2002 10:56 AM
Hi, I just finished my first week on Almased, I've lost 10lbs, easily, I'm thrilled, 90 more to go. thanx
nocagedogwatch       8-19-2002 8:13 PM
Barbara       bswindlehurst@msn.com 9-16-2002 3:37 PM
How do you get through the hunger pains on the Almased? I'm on my third day and still feeling hungry. Read everything I could on the Almased product (even the message boards) and I am following the helpful tips that were posted. Followed the Atkins plan about a year ago and lost 30 pounds and was never hungry! Hit a plateau and got discouraged slowly let my low carb plan slip away. This time, I decided to jump start my Atkins with the Almased program. Not sure I can make it the two weeks if this hunger continues. Any advice out there?
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